Green crack strain

200 $1450 $

Green Crack Strain

Green Crack caught my eye. Seeing that it was an indica-dominant hybrid kept it. Manager Carl Witten told me that it is 70 percent indica and 30 percent sativa as a cross between Skunk #1 and Afghani parents.

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Green Crack Strain


Welcome to the exciting world of cannabis strains! Here at green crack strain, we offer some of the best weed strains on the market.

We offer a wide variety of strains, including both indca and sativa varieties, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Visit our website today to learn more about our Welcome to the exciting world of cannabis strains! Here at green crack strain, we offer some of the best weed strains on the market.

Flower Review: Green Crack | The High Culture | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma Gazette

We carefully select our products and taste for quality, to make sure that you’re getting the best possible product. We offer a wide variety of strains, including both Indica and sativa varieties, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Visit our website today to learn more about our Welcome to the exciting world of cannabis strains! Here, we offer some of the best weed strains on the market.


Bag o' Weed: Green Crack | LeaflyGreen Crack (aka Cush) Marijuana Strain Information | Weedmaps

Green Crack, also known as “Green Crush” and “Mango Crack,” is a potent sativa marijuana strain made by crossing Skunk #1 with an unknown Indica. This strain is beloved by many consumers for its energizing effects.

But don’t let the name fool you: this is pure cannabis. Few strains compare to Green Crack’s sharp energy and focus as it induces an invigorating mental buzz that keeps you going throughout the day. With a tangy, fruity flavor redolent of mango, this is a great daytime strain that may help consumers fight fatigue, stress, and depression.

Because the name “Green Crack” perpetuates a negative image of cannabis, some people have taken to calling this strain Cush (with a ‘C’) or Green Cush instead.

Strain name: Green Crack

Grown by: Toucannabis Wellness Co. & Dispensary

Acquired from:  Toucannabis Wellness Co. & Dispensary

Date acquired: Sept. 11

THC/CBD percentages: 19.77 percent/.65 percent (per Scissortail Laboratory, LLC)

Physical traits: Tight, light green buds with plentiful dull orange stigmas and a touch of purple inside


Oz, Qp, Hp, Lb


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